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Mapping the unique UniGene clusters to the human genome


Split the unique UniGene clusters into individual FASTA files


       Each unique UniGene cluster was mapped to the human genome.  Doing so exploited all of the sequence information within the each cluster and allowed us to control false positives.  Whenever a repeat was detected in a UniGene cluster that did not map within 10 kb of the repeat’s chromosomal co-ordinates, it was not evaluated further.  The Hs.seq.uniq file contains a single sequence representing the longest, highest quality stretch of DNA for each UniGene cluster.  These files were parsed into individual FASTA files so that they could be BLATed against the human genome.


# create a new directory


$ mkdir ugc_unique


# parse Hs.seq.uniq

# use original Hs.seq.uniq, not Hs.seq.uniq2 from Appendix E

# will format output files correctly


$ Hs.seq.uniq2



# #



#!/usr/bin/perl -w



use strict;


my $outputfile = "frig";


while (<>) {

        if (/^.*(Hs\#\S+).*\/ug\=(\S+).*$/) {


if ($outputfile eq "frig") {


$outputfile = "$2";


unless ( open(SEQ, ">$outputfile") ) {

die "Cannot open file \"$outputfile\" to write to!\n\n";



print SEQ ">$2\|$1\n";


} elsif ($outputfile ne "frig") {



$outputfile = "$2";


unless ( open(SEQ, ">$outputfile") ) {

                                die "Cannot open file \"$outputfile\" to write to!\n\n";



                        print SEQ ">$2\|$1\n";



        } elsif (/\S+/) {

print SEQ "$&\n";







Set-up a BLAT server of all human chromosomes


       Create a BLAT server using all the human chromosomes from UCSC.  Soft mask (-mask) the sequences so that repeats are not allowed to initiate an alignment but can be used to extend an alignment.


/home/perseusm/blat/gfServer -mask -canStop start 0of0 8050 /home/perseusm/goldenpath/*.nib


Run on each unique UniGene sequence


# use the following shell script to run perl script on each unique UniGene sequence


for file in /home/unigene/ugc_unique/Hs.*;

       do ./ $file;



Warning:  You need to manually set the gfClient command in the following script to match your host and port settings from the gfServer command run to set-up the BLAT server.


The $cutoff variable is set to 85%, that is, only BLAT scores that are 85% of the maximum (calculated for a perfect hit) are input into the database.



# #



# UniGene_Cluster.fa

# use a shell for file in Hs.* loop to parse each individual UniGene fa file

# blats each unique unigene sequence again human genome

# if score is at least 85% of the theoretical max (i.e. all bases match) and 90% of input bases match somewhere, it qualifies as a hit

# use this script to fish out chromosome co-ordinates for unigene clusters

# make sure /home/unigene/ugc_unique/ has no *.out files in it before running this program

# find -name "*.out" -print0 | xargs -0 ls

# find -name "*.out" -print0 | xargs -0 rm –f

# make sure BLAT gfClient host and port match your gfServer settings


use DBI;

use strict;




my ($dsn) = "";

my ($user_name) = "schz_rw";

my ($password) = "repeat";

my ($dbh, $sth);

my (@ary);



  # Connect to Database #



   $dbh = DBI->connect ($dsn, $user_name, $password, { RaiseError => 1 });

   $sth = $dbh->prepare ("INSERT INTO unigene VALUES(NULL,?,?,?,?,?,?)");


my $blat_file = $ARGV[0];


print "file to blat is $blat_file\n\n";


my $total;


unless ( open(FILE, "$blat_file") ) {

  die "Cannot open file \"$blat_file\" to write to!\n\n";



while (<FILE>) {


        if (/^(\w+)$/) {

my $seq = $1;

$seq =~ s/\s+//g;

my $length = length($seq);

$total += $length;




my $cutoff = 0.85*$total;


print "$total\n";

print "cutoff is $cutoff\n\n";




        print "BLAT query\n\n";


        print `/home/perseusm/blat/gfClient o0001 8050 / $blat_file $blat_file.out`;


    my $blat_hits = "$blat_file.out";


        print "open this file: $blat_hits\n\n";




    unless ( open(HITS, "$blat_hits") ) {

      die "Cannot open file \"$blat_hits\" to write to!\n\n";



        while (<HITS>) {


    if (/^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {


        print "

1: $1

2: $2

3: $3

4: $4

5: $5

6: $6

7: $7

8: $8

9: $9

10: $10

11: $11

12: $12

13: $13



        my $match       = $1;

        my $mismatch    = $2;

        my $qGapCount   = $3;

        my $qGapBases   = $4;

        my $tGapCount   = $5;

        my $tGapBases   = $6;

        my $query       = $7;

        my $qSize       = $8;

        my $qStart      = $9;

        my $qEnd        = $10;

my $chr                 = $11;

my $start               = $12;

my $end                 = $13;

        my $ug_cluster     = $7;

        my $ug_sequence    = $ug_cluster;

$ug_cluster     =~ s/^(Hs\.\S+)\|.*/\1/;

$ug_sequence    =~ s/^.*\|(Hs\#.*)/\1/;


        my $blatScore = $match - $mismatch - $qGapCount - $tGapCount;

        my $identity = ($match)/($match + $mismatch + $qGapCount);


$chr =~ s/chr//g;


$identity = $identity * 100;

$identity = sprintf "%.1f",$identity;


        print "this is the cluster: $ug_cluster\n";

        print "this is the sequence: $ug_sequence\n";

        print "maps to $chr\:$start\-$end in the human genome\n";

        print "identity: $identity score: $blatScore\n\n";


        if (($blatScore > $cutoff) && ($identity > 90)) {

print "it's a keeper\n";

        print "this is the cluster: $ug_cluster\n";

        print "this is the sequence: $ug_sequence\n";

        print "maps to $chr\:$start\-$end in the human genome\n";

        print "identity: $identity score: $blatScore\n\n";


# insert hit into database


$sth->execute ($ug_cluster,$chr,$start,$end,$blatScore,$identity);




#       system("rm $blat_file.out -f");







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